Find restaurant menus quickly and easily

Spend less time searching the web and more time browsing the food you want.

Why Use EatRadar?

Save time before you dine by finding information about a dish beforehand.

Tons of menu items available to browse

Found a restaurant to dine at? Take a peek at their menu so you know what to order beforehand.

Compare menu items from one store to another

Display stores side by side to help you decide where to eat.

Find Food Faster

Find a variety of menu items simply by searching the item name. You can filter each item by price, size, or calories

Why Use EatRadar?

Save time and money before you dine by finding information about a dish beforehand.

Tons of menu items available and ready to browse

Found a restaurant to dine at? Take a peek at their menu so you know what to order beforehand.

Compare menu items from one store to another

Display stores side by side to help you decide where to eat.

Find Food Faster

Find a variety of menu items simply by searching the item name.


Search and compare hundreds of menu items, get recommendations & more!


Eliminate the extra work while trying to find information about food and restaurants

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